Hentai Jones

The Sniper Twins

As cute as pussycats but as deadly as vipers!

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The Sniper Twins


The Sniper Twins

written by Hentai Jones

BookRix Edition 2017

Copyright by Amé



Hentai Jones:



As cute as pussycats but as deadly as vipers!



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1 - The hard Times of War


The hard Times of War


»I've got one of them!«, Commander Chang was yelling into my ear as he was twisting my arm up my back - Sergeant Liang was quick to come to his help, he bound my wrists and then he congratulated his superior to the fine catch. At the times of war spying at the enemy was a risky business and I had gotten in trouble often already, never really found guilty of any crime and released with a cautionary spanking, but this time I was doomed: Commander Chang had made it quite clear to me the last time, that he would take the cane to my bottom if he ever caught me again in his territory! »Take him to the headquarters, Sergeant Liang, search him for weapons and prepare the him for the interrogation!«, the Commander ordered with a mean gleam in his big black eyes and the Sergeant led me away with the confirmation: »Yes, Sir, immediately!« He was used to obey orders and he was loving his job: Sergeant Liang was the perfect soldier!


The headquarters were situated in the old concrete bunker at the river and were a daunting place with a torture chamber and a prison cell - and it was certainly not a holiday destination! The Sergeant knew the procedure of preparing a prisoner well: he was loving to undress them and to search their private parts for hidden knives or secret messages - first he took my camouflage vest off and then he stripped me out of my camouflage shorts as well, then he tied my wrists up to the hook under the ceiling! With a visible expectation he pushed my underpants down to my ankles and it became instantly clear to him, that I was hiding nothing in there too - Commander Chang had watched the whole procedure and he was seemingly disappointed with the outcome of the search too: no evidence meant no charge! The lethal cane was dancing in his hands and his eyes were narrowing to focus on my bare bottom: this time he would teach me a painful lesson which I would never forget, this time he would finally succeed to make me confess!


The times of war were hard on anyone, especially on the children, who didn't understand the reason of the hatred or the sense of killing each other in the first place! Having had to watch the rebel soldiers shooting our father and raping our mother until she had been bleeding to death had made a deep and unerasable imprint on our lives - we were only six years old then and fortunately hidden under the bed when the atrocities were happening. Father Dominic had taken us on in his orphanage full of boys as the only two girls - at that tender age there were no sexual tensions between the genders and with our cute crew crop hair cuts we were all looking quite the same! There were four boys, all a bit older than us and one a year younger, and little Bin was our best friend - he was the only one who was able to tell us apart and he didn't had to mock us constantly, because we were missing the dribbler, as he was calling the male appendix. For all the other boys we simply were the Chin Twins: strange, suspicious and always in trouble!


And as always during the bitter times of war their favourite game was to play soldiers - their favourite roleplay was to take us both prisoner and to torture us until we were confessing to be spies of the enemy and were deserving no mercy! This was not so easy though, because identical twins live with an identical mind, but had four arms and four legs to fight, and because of this they always knew, what the other one was thinking and therefor had the advantage of a lethal teamwork, which was actually a quite supernatural phenomena! Father Dominic had realised this quality very early and he was extremely happy, that we both were able to defend ourselves so well in the company of the rude boys - he was encouraging us all to keep fit and he was aware, that our juvenile army games were preparing us well for the future live in a hostile world. He was a fair and just man - of course he loved to spank the naughty bums of the boys, but he never touched us girls: Father Dominic was a gentleman and God was his witness!