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©. 2008 Burk-edition und International Culture and Art, Berlin

In cooperation with / In Zusammenarbeit mit

Hainan Goethe Cultural Transmission Co. Ltd., China, Hainan, Haikou

Umschlaggestaltung und Satz: burk-edition

Herstellung und Verlag Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt

ISBN 978-3-8448-6008-5

©. Burk-edition und International Culture and Art, Berlin

In cooperation with / In Zusammenarbeit mit

Hainan Goethe Cultural Transmission Co. Ltd., China, Hainan, Haikou

Umschlaggestaltung Katharina Scharnweber

Satz: burk-edition

Hersteller und Verlag Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt

ISBN 978-3-8448-6008-5








Burk (Burkhard Eiswaldt) was born in the German University City Göttingen. He first came to China in 1987 and felt a great attraction to the country. He has held several exhibitions in China, which were well recieved and has exhibited with the famous Chinese painter Li Zhe, now living in Brazil. During his time in China he has written many songs; a “witness of the time” (China’ s people net.), who described the dreams and feelings of the new age. Many of his songs were produced along with the successful producer Gary Gordon, winner of several golden and platinum discs. In 2004 he completed his book “Hainan Dream” describing his perspective of the change of China and Hainan Island.

As “Ambassador of International Culture” (Hainan-Daily) he was elected to the “Hainan News People of the Year 2003”. The same year he was awarded the “Special Music Prize” of the Hainan Music Association.


Burk (Burkhard Eiswaldt) wurde in der deutschen Universitätsstadt Göttingen geboren. In Deutschland lebte er in München und in Berlin. Er bereiste in Europa insbesondere Spanien, Griechenland und England, wo er auch über längere Zeit lebte. Nach China reiste er das erste Mal im Jahre 1987. Hier war er von der Aufbruchsstimmung der jungen chinesischen Generation in eine neue Zeit fasziniert.

In China hielt er zahlreiche erfolgreiche Bilderausstellungen. Er stellte ebenfalls mit einem den bekanntesten chinesischen Maler, Li Zhe, aus, der heute in Brasilien lebt.